Posted in DIY, The Home

Happy New Year!

Goodbye 2020! A year consisting of a pandemic, 11 family/close deaths, and a surgery has finally came to an end! Thank goodness! Now… onto the new!

I hope that all of you have a blessed and happy year that brings peace and joy.

Do you all make resolutions? I always do… this year… continue this weight loss journey and get organized… Little by little everyday. And…. I am going to bring you all along for this ride, regardless of how ugly… from piles of clutter to organized…. from  unhealthy to healthier…. no stress… just small improvements…that all brings less stress and peace…

So…day 1…. I organized the bathroom closet…. I didn’t think about taking a before picture on this… Here is the after.

Secondly, I finished the hub’s tickler system that he asked for!

A tickler system is used to organize the entire year of to-dos. Plus, I made him a spot for his warranties, fast food issues, and important receipts.  If you would all like to know more about how this system works let me know in the comments and I make a post all about it.

So…stay tuned!

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