Posted in Redecoration, The Home

Here we come TikTok! And what is in the video?

So, the princess said that we really needed to up our game and that the blog needed to join TikTok…. She said she was willing to teach me (because I am old)… So, the princess set-up the page and put out the first 3 videos!!

You can follow me on both Instagram and TikTok by adding the username withasideofdirt. 

I am looking forward to seeing you all there!

What is the video about, you may be wondering? Well, we bought our house about 3 years ago now, and we have made some fixes, but things are not pretty.

So, in the kitchen when we bought the house, one of the three outlets did not work, and two of the three outlets in the dining room did not work but read half power when checked. Those outlets also had blackened and melted, as if they had been on fire. The outlets were the first order of business when moving in. (DID I MENTION OUR HOUSE PASSED NOT ONE BUT TWO HUD INSPECTIONS? Failed ours but passed HUD?!)

Back to the kitchen… While trying to figure out why the outlets did not work right as they were on the same breaker, the Hubs found an outlet that was covered by curtains. It was in the window jam?!  That was the first to go.

Notice the tape that covers where an outlet used to be. Again, notice how they cut the window sill to put in the stove.

Next, he worked his way around to the garbage disposal and the light above the sink…. The light above the sink is not wired through the wall… oh, no… it is wired into the cabinet above. In addition, all of the cabinets had screws coming through because they were too long, so all of those had to be pulled out slightly so the cabinets could be used.

I wish I were kidding.

The garbage disposal lead the Hubs under the sink, where I heard cussing coming from the kitchen while I was cleaning in an other room… I go in and find him telling me…”Jesus Christ, you could have gotten shocked under here putting all your cleaning stuff away!” He found not one, not two, but three open junction boxes under the sink with wires and no caps…The hubs still wasn’t sure what that was about…. all to connect the garbage disposal….

So, he corrected all of that thinking that would correct the dining room problem…NOPE….So, he said, “The panelling has to come down… there is a fire issue, and it has to be taken care of now…. What does he find behind the panelling? Another junction box. It went to the garbage disposal even though the switch was right next to it… He corrected that…

This was the hole where the junction box was…with the hole…

Even though the main power was off to the entire house, he always double checked, and Thank God he did! Because, there was a second hole in the wall and there were live wires just hanging around in the wall with no caps, electrical tape, nothing!!! Even with the power off!!! He has no idea where that wire is coming from as we could not find the connection in the basement… It was capped and secured and left alone for now.

Sorry… I lost the photo of the live wires. Did a screenshot from the TikTok video.

He then rewired and replaced the two outlets in the dining room, which corrected the problem…. That was day one in the house!! Three years ago… After that, it was decided  that we were just going to live in the house and see what needed to happen, as things got so crazy so fast as one issue always leading to another.

This brings us to the TikTok video… So, the kitchen is going to be the last room to remodel before selling the house, but I don’t want to look at the holes anymore while I cook…. so, it is only a simple fix that allows me to see something other than broken panelling, different wall paints, and holes in the wall… So, hop on over to TikTok and watch this little journey!

Please, please, please…. this is only temporary!! It is only contact paper over crappy walls, holes, and panelling.

So, we purchased some contact paper to cover the one wall. Yeah, it isn’t perfect. There are wrinkles and bumps, but it still looks alot better than before.

See, not perfect, but tell me that it doesn’t look better?
My daughter loves this wall sticker, so I guess it stays… she did a poll on the video, so let us know? Stay or Go??
Here is the stove… I wrapped the shelf too…lol…got carried away

So, please check out the videos. She did a good job, and it was alot of fun! What do you all think of this small short-term solution?